Affordable Tree Care Services for Merriam, KS

Merriam tree trimming services and tree pruningOur professionals at KC Arborist in Merriam offer tree services for trimming, pruning, preserving and for basic tree care. The quality of the nutrients from the air, soil, sunrays and water will affect the natural growth of trees. We can enhance the supply of nutrients and also control insect infestations such as the recent infestations from the emerald ash borer. The green beetles feed on ash trees. The larvae create channels inside the trees, which block the natural flow of nutrients. The adults bore holes into the trees.

Tree Trimming and Pruning Procedures

The techniques for tree trimming are used to shape trees and should only be completed during appropriate seasons of the year. Deciduous trees grow leaves during the spring season and lose leaves during the fall season. If trees have been trimmed improperly or at the wrong time, certain sections could be damaged because there is no protection from insects and disease where the tree bark is gone. Trees can be killed by blight or by insects that feed on wood such as the emerald ash borer and termites.

Tree Trimming Makes Trees Healthier

The methods for tree pruning are used to remove overgrowth and dead branches that are inhibiting the healthy growth of a tree, for instance, too many branches on one limb. A tree may bend and need to have a brace because the weight from the branches is not being evenly distributed on the trunk. The vital nutrients from the environment can be properly dispersed inside the tree after the overgrowth and dead limbs have been removed. We make trees in Merriam healthier.

Basic Tree Care for Merriam

Trees must have basic care such as with water during dry periods. Our professionals provide fundamental tree care to promote healthy growth for trees. The tree services are used to improve the environment for trees, such as with water and plant food, and also to enhance the appearance of trees, which accentuate Merriam landscapes. The services for tree health care are used to protect trees with an adequate supply of nutrients.

Tree Preservation Helps Save Our Kansas City Trees

Trees are a smart investment and have great value in Merriam landscapes. They provide shade, beauty and clean air. Our professionals use tree trimming to protect trees from a wall or an electric fence. The methods for tree pruning are used to remove hazards and to promote growth. The tree services from KC Arborist use the best approaches for tree health care because proper tree care and safe methods for tree preservation will help to produce lush trees that will provide abundant shade and also cleaner air in Merriam.

Merriam, KS Tree Service Testimonials

I sent an email to KC Arborist requesting an appointment. Shortly after, Jeff Sifrit came by on Feb 25 to look at my trees and submit a bid. These were ‘never pruned’ oaks that cast too much shade on the tiny lawn of my newly built home. It was necessary to schedule work quickly, as oak trees should NOT be pruned after the buds swell in order to avoid Oak Wilt disease which is prevalent in the metro KC area. Jeff, fortunately, had an opening the following week. Otherwise, I would have needed to wait until late summer, for the safety of the trees. Jeff showed up on time with two certified arborists who worked in the trees, and a helper who did the ground work. Jeff instructed his team on what was to be done and left. The temperature was only 34 degrees, with 2″ snow on the ground, but the workers took their time, did a thorough job and cleaned up well. Jeff called later to follow up on the work that was performed.
I am a long time Master Gardener and know about trees, their care… and how they should be pruned and maintained. Trust me, this company knows their business and does quality work! I highly recommend them.
— Beverly Francella, Merriam, KS

If you need tree pruning services, call KC Arborist at (913) 390-0033 or (816) 965-0539.